Programming Graphics III: Painting with Sound / tier 3 / code + videos + tshirt
tier 3 / “the sexiest” level
code + videos + tshirt
why use a tier buy-in system :
In the past, I’ve enjoyed using another learning based platform, my classes were $20 and that was an awesome and fair price based on the type of classes I wanted to create. That’s the point… my classes weren’t anything like most other classes on that platform… my classes we’re beefy. I make a ton of content and make sure to create videos that explain in great length and detail everything you need to learn.
However that platform made a decision to change it’s format… which made it hard to complain… because it 100% benefitted the student… but not so much the teacher. So naturally it was a struggle to spend so much time creating a class with no real incentive to do so. The thing is I SUPER love making these classes… HELL, I’d love to make enough money to keep making them… this class is the direct result of feedback from you all about the types of things you’d like me to break down and teach. My hope is that this tier based system can help me achieve this goal to keep making classes and do something even more… that the previous platform wouldn’t let me do.
tier 1 / code ONLY / no companion videos!
at this level maybe you don’t need the video commentary, you just want to dive into the code… this classes offers 42 sketches that walk through the processes of using minim (FFT audio input) attached to screen based animation, etc.
tier 2 / code + videos
at this level you want the code and the companion videos… these videos can be 3 to 23 min in length. walking you through the processes and explaining how things we’re done.
tier 3 / code + videos + tshirt
at this level… You get the code, the companion videos, and the unique “Painting with Sound / HexSex” t-shirt.
tier 4 / code + videos + tshirt + print
at this level… You get the code, the companion videos, the t-shirt, and the unique “Painting with Sound / HexSex” 18 x 24 print.
tier 5 / code + videos + tshirt + print + drawing
at this level… You get the code, the companion videos, the t-shirt, the print, and an original 9 x 12 inked drawing from my generative skull series.
tier 6 / code + videos + tshirt + print + drawing + slack
at this level… You get the code, the companion videos, the t-shirt, the print, an original drawing, and Slack / Dropbox access
This is where I want to get with people… you’re hungry… you have questions… you have ideas… you need help… you want access to me and to other people who want to keep asking questions and arrive at destinations. At this level I’ll add you to my private slack channel… where you can chat with me and other like minded enthusiasts about this subject. If you need help modding the code to suit a specific need (within reason!) we’ll talk about the desired mod in the private group and then I’ll link to files on a group dropbox.
About this Class :
We’ll be working with a great processing library called minim and tap into using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) to read the audio spectrum from audio files or live audio from a microphone or line-in and apply this audio data into controlling something on screen like animation or lighting.
What You'll Learn :
1. minim
2. FFT
3. grouping the spectrum into ranges using linAverages
4. applying window filters to the audio like HAMMING, BLACKMAN, COSINE, GAUSS and others
5. understand the difference between mp3 vs wav
6. apply the audio data to animation on screen
7. working with the audio driven animation in 2D and 3D space
8. use the audio data to control a lighting system
9. create a texture mapped planet that dances to your voice… NBD
The Tools You'll Use :
1. Sublime Text 2 is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.
2. HYPE Framework is a collection of classes that performs heavy lifting tasks while using a minimal amount of code writing.
3. Processing is a programming language, development environment, and online community. Since 2001, Processing has promoted software literacy within the visual arts and visual literacy within technology.
4. Minim is an audio library that uses the JavaSound API, a bit of Tritonus, and Javazoom’s MP3SPI to provide an easy to use audio library for people developing in the Processing environment.
Who Should Take This Class :
This class is perfect for anybody who wants to create audio reactive graphics or play in the space of live concert visuals.
TAGS : Design, Programming, Processing, HYPE, Minim, Real Time Audio Reaction, 2D and 3D animation